Although we are small, we are mighty! Currently, CBSN is run entirely by its talented, hard-working and dedicated group of volunteers.
Click each name to learn more about an individual.
Sarah Robertson - Founder & Creative Director
[caption id="attachment_4222" align="aligncenter" width="225"] 2014 – Contributing author![/caption]
Sarah Robertson, RSSW, HBASc – Sarah Robertson is a born-and-raised Torontonian who developed trichotillomania at the age of twelve. Her experiences within the mental health system and passion to address the stigma motivated her to found CBSN.
Sarah attended the University of Guelph-Humber, where she received her Honours Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Family & Community Social Services, alongside a Social Services Diploma. She is currently registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
Sarah is on the Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre Advisory Committee, which is a part of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where she brings to light the needs of patients and their families in the community (specifically those with BFRBs). Sarah is also a Guest Blogger for The Huffington Post, where she discusses various topics (mainly mental health related).
For direct inquiries, Sarah can be contacted at
Laura Barton - Communications Manager
Laura has a passion for writing. She has a Bachelor of the Arts degree in English Literature and a diploma in Journalism. She would never have imagined that her writing would one day involve what was once one of her most secret disorders — dermatillomania. After suffering for years in silence, she now hopes to use both her love of writing and her drive for advocacy to help others through their struggles with their BFRBs. Not only is she the author of the series, Project Dermatillomania, but by blogging with CBSN, Laura hopes to be able to reach out to others, spread awareness and the message that others are not alone, and there is hope when it comes to these disorders.
She can be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Blog, communications, and media inquiries can be directed to
Kala Bennett, SSW - Community Outreach Coordinator

Kala also helps guide new support group facilitators to establish their own support group in their own area.
Support Group inquiries can be directed to
Danielle Roberts - Peer Support Coordinator
Danielle Roberts is an English major, cat-lover, runner and freelance writer currently based out of Calgary, AB and has been dealing with dermatillomania since the age of seventeen. Thankfully after many hard years of suffering alone, through countless resources and support, Danielle is happy to say that dermatillomania no longer controls her life. As one of her healing processes, she contributed her story to the book, Project Dermatillomania: The Stories Behind Our Scars, and she hopes to continue to provide knowledge and promote hope within the BFRB community.
You can find out more about Danielle by checking out her website: