Awareness Week Extras: Cat
Wicked It’s an impulse that drives me when I’m bored or in pain. A terrible impulse that I can not contain. The more I resist the longer it strings me along Like an addict Searching, And going insane. ...
Wicked It’s an impulse that drives me when I’m bored or in pain. A terrible impulse that I can not contain. The more I resist the longer it strings me along Like an addict Searching, And going insane. ...
Hello! My name is Majda and I am 20 years old. I suffer from dermatillomania for 11 years now. One year ago, I tried to convince my mum that I was not hurting myself on purpose and I wanted...
When I was five years old, I fell in love with picking my skin. It is one of my earliest memories. I can still recall the place of discovery and the circumstances surrounding the start of my struggle. I...
My name is Titi and I have dermatillomania. I’ve been picking on and off since I was 2. When my mom stopped breastfeeding me, I started picking. Just like some kids suck their thumbs, this was just my way...
The Girl with the Gloves I am the girl who wears the gloves. Finding your identity in high school is never easy and sadly the first thing that most people judge you on is your appearance. My entire life...
I am a strong believer in the fact that nothing stays the same for long. In the past year, I have moved countries, changed schools and watched every relationship in my life change. But one thing hasn’t. I remember...
Hey BFRBCanada followers! I’m Nichola and today I’m going to attempt to explain to you how I got Trichotillomania and why having a BFRB awareness week is so important to me. I have had Trichotillomania for 6 years, I...
The Meet the Leaders Series is an opportunity to learn some information about your peer support leaders before you attend a meeting. ——– Hi all! I have lived in Northwestern Ontario all my life born and raised in Thunder Bay,...
Hopefully you haven’t heard anything too terrible while you were raising awareness for BFRB Awareness Week, but if you did, don’t let it discourage you. Unfortunately, there are people out there who will say negative, ignorant things, such as...
Hi! My name is Maddie Lapp. I am 17 years old from St. Louis, Missouri. I have been to one TLC Conference. I am also a part of the TLC Millennial Task Force. My journey with these baffling disorders...
My Trich Story (possible trigger warning, discusses trich behaviors in detail) I knew what trichotillomania was long before I had it because I’ve always loved learning long words and discovering rare phobias and manias. I didn’t know that trichotillomania...
I’d give anything to be able to pull my hair out right now. I know that’s not something people with Trich say, but my head is currently buzzed, I’ve had a long week of school, and I have no...
As I’ve grown up I have always had a problem with stress. I label it “subconscious stress” because while things may seem fine and manageable on the outside, my hair, nails and skin would tell a different story. In...
I’m Coming Out Dermatillomania and dermatophagia sounds like bad words, and those closest to me know I rarely curse. Many people pick at their skin. It is not out of the ordinary to remove a hang nail, bite nails,...
I was around 8 years old when I noticed an eyelash in my eye and got very upset and paranoid about getting others. I started pulling out the ones that would appear to stand out from the rest in...