Creating a self-care or coping toolbox for BFRBs can help us during particularly difficult times. Having a toolbox on hand will provide comfort and strategies to encourage positive thinking, and will prove to be an invaluable asset when you are having a rough day.
Because we all cope differently, it is useful to try various “coping methods” and activities to see what works best for you.
Step 1: Find a box (shoe box, dollar store boxes), decorate it to your liking…make it unique like you!
Step 2: Add your list of activities/ or physical items into the box, then store somewhere private (such as closet or cupboard)
Here are just a few examples of what you can add to your toolbox:
- Journal/Notebook – getting your thoughts down on paper can be extremely rewarding
- Fidget toys– keep these close by when you feel the need to pick or pull
- Positive/uplifiting quotes
- Your favourite movie
- Drawing/sketching/doodling– a great way to release tension or expose your thoughts and emotions.
- Exercising – start off with something simple like walking, yoga or swimming
- Music – Angry punk rock or classical music, whatever floats your boat
- Knitting, Jewellery making, Cross-Stitching
- Meditation/Mindfulness – download an app on your phone, or find a video on YouTube
- Distraction– play a video game, read a book, call a friend, anything and often that distraction is enough to either allow those bad feelings/thoughts to pass or to put them in better prospective.
Help us add to our BFRB Self-Care Toolbox! Let us know what you are going to put in yours by leaving a comment below, or email info@canadianbfrb.org
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