Those who celebrate Christmas often have a wish list of gifts they would like to receive. Sure, it might seem like something a child will do to prep for Santa, but many teens and adults also have a list of things they would like.
For people with body-focused repetitive behaviours (BFRBs), this list can include an array of “normal” gift items, as well as wishes such as time with family. It can also include desires such as stopping the picking, pulling, and biting behaviours, as well as a desire to not have it affect family. This is kind of a given at any time of the year, but with the magic of the season, the hope for reprieve can often become especially strong.
Beyond that, there are also items BFRBers hope for to help with their disorders. I asked CBSN followers what items were on their Christmas wish lists, and here are the top 5 responses.
- Beauty Products
Stylish hair systems, extensions, transparent lace front wigs, makeup for sensitive skin, and lotions were among the items people mentioned. As much as society tells us ‘no,’ as a skin picker of over twenty years, I say it’s important that we feel confident about ourselves and like the way we look. To others, a hairpiece or lotion to help our skin can seem frivolous, but BFRBs can be a huge hit to our self-esteem. - Gift Certificates
In that same vein of thought, BFRBers would love gift certificates to get their hair and nails done. Having a stylish cut can make a big difference in how trichsters feel about themselves, and for dermafolk getting nails done in a certain way can be a good deterrent to the picking behaviour. I imagine nail biters can also benefit from having their nails done in terms of a confidence boost and making it more difficult to bite. If your trichster needs a new stylist, take a look at our list of BFRB friendly hairstylists to see if there’s one in your area. - Technology
There has been an increase of talk about HabitAware’s Keen bracelet in the support groups as of late, and sure enough, it’s on some BFRB Christmas gift lists. This is a great device for bringing awareness to your picking, pulling, and biting behaviours. I encourage you to check out CBSN’s review of the Keen bracelet to learn more about it and check out the HabitAware website, too. In addition to this, BFRBers are hopeful for mobile devices so they can use various anti-anxiety apps to try to help their behaviours. - Fashion Accessories
Another big one for trichsters is hats. I know this is a good barrier for hair pulling and also helps when feeling self-conscious about bald spots. I know this kind of gift would also be good for scalp pickers. It seems like a simple gift, but sometimes these simple things can make a big difference. - Fidgets
Our final items on BFRB Christmas wish lists all fall under the category of keeping our hands busy. Crochet kits and spinner rings were mentioned specifically, but there are many other gifts you could consider for helping a BFRBer keep their hands busy, such as colouring books, Tangle toys, and even small toys. If you’re a BFRBer and not sure what kind of fidget you’d like, I recommend this blog I wrote a while ago about how to find one that’s right for you.
I hope this list is helpful for someone on the hunt for a gift for the BFRBer in their life. I know we all love surprising our loved ones, but it may be best to err on the side of caution and ask if the person would like a gift such as one of these. I say that only because, depending on how comfortable the person is with their BFRB, it may come across as an attack or an attempt to point out a flaw rather than a gesture of helpfulness.
Happy gifting!