Awareness Week 2014: Meli and Ashley
The following poems were written for Awareness Week 2014 by two young women named Meli and Ashley. ——– Tongue in Cheek by Meli I keep biting my cheeks to get rid of imperfections as if I didn’t trust...
The following poems were written for Awareness Week 2014 by two young women named Meli and Ashley. ——– Tongue in Cheek by Meli I keep biting my cheeks to get rid of imperfections as if I didn’t trust...
Discussion is an important part of awareness—the good, the bad, the theories, the speculation, the triggering, the non-triggering, and whatever may fall in between. For BFRB Awareness Week, we want to start those kinds of discussion to break the...
I can understand why people would think dermatillomania is self-harm. Back when I was first trying to figure out this skin picking thing, I though it must be self-harm, too, but now I understand it differently. I used to...
This guest piece comes from Danielle Roberts. Danielle is a Canadian freelance writer who graduated from the University of Calgary in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She is an avid runner, reader and mental health advocate...
Project Dermatillomania & Doesn’t It Hurt?: Confessions of Compulsive Hair Pullers are two books that you just HAVE to read! Why? Each copy sold = a donation to both CBSN and the Trichotillomania Learning Centre! How great is that?!...
On March 4th, the Peer Support group based out of Toronto had the opportunity to have a guest: Dr. Mark Sinyor of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. We had posted to our Facebook page asking if anyone had any questions for...
Every year since 2010, Bell Canada has run their Bell Let’s Talk campaign. Being a phone company, we might be inclined to think that it would be some cell phone promotion, but instead it is actually a mental...
The following is an excerpt from Annette Pasternak, Ph.D’s new skin picking self-help book, Skin Picking: The Freedom to Finally Stop, which can be found in e-book form on amazon.com and through Kobo. ———- Congratulations! Please give yourself an appreciative...
A special thanks to the pullers and pickers in the online community that commented and added to the dialogue on this topic. I have quoted some of you and paraphrased others, but have left all of your comments anonymous....
Guest Blogger Samantha Wake shares with us the story of her journey with dermatillomania. ———- It began in my early teens, around age 13, when I started to get acne just like any other teenager. Having said this, I’d...
Sophie is part of the Trichster documentary. Read her story about skin picking/hair pulling, and the beautiful work she does to help spread awareness. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2518601/Agony-woman-suffers-rare-condition-causes-compulsively-damage-skin.html
One of our support group members Rebecca posted a small piece about tattoos and dermatillomania (skin picking) on our Tumblr, and it went viral! So she decided to elaborate on the topic of body modification & BFRBs. Read the...
Chibi Jeebs shares her story, telling us why she picks her skin when it causes her so much distress ___ I pick at my skin. The slightest bump, lump, or imperfection is subject to my finger nails; I work...
Laura Barton’s experience of attending her first peer support meeting in Toronto. ——— I hate traffic. The vehicular congestion, the people who don’t seem to know how to drive, that one guy that just has to get ahead of...
CBSN’s own Board of Director member, Angela Hartlin was in the Toronto Star today. Featured in the article entitled, “Skin picking classified as distinct disorder” — we’d like to congratulate Angela! What a wonderful way to celebrate Dermatillomania FINALLY...