20 years and counting…and why that doesn’t suck
Twenty years ago, I was going on five years old. I wish I could say I had the hopes and ambitions of my future sparkling in my eyes while I went about life in a carefree manner, but I...
Twenty years ago, I was going on five years old. I wish I could say I had the hopes and ambitions of my future sparkling in my eyes while I went about life in a carefree manner, but I...
One of the most common questions among the community is how do we tell our loved ones about these disorders, and those posts are always met with many responses of advice. But what about when we have told someone...
As I’ve grown up I have always had a problem with stress. I label it “subconscious stress” because while things may seem fine and manageable on the outside, my hair, nails and skin would tell a different story. In...
I’m Coming Out Dermatillomania and dermatophagia sounds like bad words, and those closest to me know I rarely curse. Many people pick at their skin. It is not out of the ordinary to remove a hang nail, bite nails,...
The following poems were written for Awareness Week 2014 by two young women named Meli and Ashley. ——– Tongue in Cheek by Meli I keep biting my cheeks to get rid of imperfections as if I didn’t trust...
Discussion is an important part of awareness—the good, the bad, the theories, the speculation, the triggering, the non-triggering, and whatever may fall in between. For BFRB Awareness Week, we want to start those kinds of discussion to break the...
I wanted to write this blog because I know that while those with trichotillomania have many questions about treating their disorder, I know that parents do, too. In fact, they may have even more because all they want to...
On March 4th, the Peer Support group based out of Toronto had the opportunity to have a guest: Dr. Mark Sinyor of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. We had posted to our Facebook page asking if anyone had any questions for...
Every year since 2010, Bell Canada has run their Bell Let’s Talk campaign. Being a phone company, we might be inclined to think that it would be some cell phone promotion, but instead it is actually a mental...