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Help us spread the word.  Help us break the stigma. The Canadian BFRB Support Network is currently and strictly a volunteer-run non-profit organization. We rely on your donations to help us provide support in a variety of ways, from promotional material to educational resources, for those with BFRBs and their loved ones. We ask that you graciously donate a sum of your choice by clicking on the above DONATE button, or by clicking on this link. All donations are processed by PayPal.

Given our legal status as a non-profit organization, we currently cannot issue tax receipts. However, we greatly appreciate any and all the ways in which you can help us support those with BFRBs. Thank you for your generous donations!

Ways Your Donations Help


Create A Support Network

what_donations_go_to-support-circleCBSN aims to link individuals with BFRBs across Canada to let them know they are not alone.  We aim to do this by enabling support groups by finding community spaces for support meetings, while providing access to information on key resources at a local, provincial and national level.

Provide Educational Resources

what_donations_go_to-support_EDUCATE2-circleCBSN strives to become the leading educational resource for Canadian pickers, pullers and professionals alike.  We aim to provide materials that educate those with BFRBs and the general public, such as brochures or support group guidelines.  CBSN also aims to support and invest in research surrounding these disorders and their treatments.

Provide Hope

what_donations_go_to-support_spreadtheword-circleCBSN will foster hope by enabling the creation of a positive and supportive environment.  It aims to foster the hope that one day those with BFRBs will no longer remain frustrated, ashamed, or in isolation.  We provide hope through our innovative and creative campaigns, social media platforms, as well as group events for those with BFRBs and their loved ones.

Raise Awareness

what_donations_go_to-support_spreadtheword2-circleCBSN aims to spread the word and raise awareness of BFRBs as well as their associated mental health issues, such as anxiety or depressive disorders.  While at least 2-4% of Canadians know they have a BFRB, many others are not aware of what these disorders are.  We increase awareness through BFRB Awareness Campaigns, social media platforms, promotional materials like our posters or our BFRB ribbons, and community outreach.

Break The Stigma

what_donations_go_to-support_stigma-circleCBSN hopes to break the stigma associated with BFRBs, their mental health issues, as well as associated OCD and related disorders.  By starting honest conversations, we hope to reduce the shame and isolation often associated with these disorders.  We aim to do this by engaging the public, prominent Canadian figures and leading organizations in discussions either in real time or by using social media.


To learn more about how your donations and support can help us, please contact us at donate@canadianbfrb.org