At CBSN, we understand how tough it can be trying to explain what a body-focused repetitive behaviour is. We also know it can be tough trying to understand them when there is so much information floating around the internet. To help remedy that situation, we are working on putting together packages of information that you can download, print out, and show to whomever you’d like to help explain your BFRB. This page will build over time and we’ll try to cover as many bases as we can. If there’s something you think we’ve missed or something you’d like to see, give us a shout by emailing blog@canadianbfrb.org.
About CBSN Pamphlet
About BFRBs Pamphlet
For BFRBers
How to Cope with BFRB Triggers — Building a BFRB Trigger Safety Plan
For Parents
Packages coming soon.
For Significant Others/Spouses
Packages coming soon.